

我们住在汉普顿旅馆 & 就在威尔斯的套房,这里被称为"缅因州最友好的小镇.” It is just a short walk away from the beach with plenty of access to coastal town businesses and fantastic restaurants.

四十九张以上的床将提供在家具齐全的房间, with additional amenities on-site for YCCC students in lodging such as weekly housekeeping as well as pool, 还有健身中心的使用权. 双人卧室设有大床, 免费无线网络, 电视, 迷你冰箱, 微波, 洗衣设施, 还有私人全套浴室. 学院的工作人员会在那里指导和帮助你.

YCCC的住宿社区提供了一个创新的社区生活, 拥有独特和包容的生活机会. 作为社区的一员, students will get to share similar goals and interests all whilst broadening friendships and experiences. YCCC students in lodging will get support and build community with other students and staff through engaging programs and events.

房屋1宽高比474 308
房屋21宽高比474 308
房屋5 1宽高比474 308


YES, 12 meals per week at the YCCC Cafe plus everyday breakfast at the hotel are included. A hot continental breakfast is available seven days a week from 6 am – 10 am at the Hampton Inn & 套房. Lunch and dinner will be provided through our on-campus dining hall with both eat-in and take-away options.


州内/州外(包括住宿和膳食)= 12,309美元.一旦你的住房申请被接受并批准, 您需要支付100美元的押金来租用您的房间.


The below basic requirements MUST be met in order for students to be selected for lodging and continue to stay throughout the academic semesters. 申请者必须:

  • 成为YCCC学术学位课程的入学学生.
  • be enrolled as a full-time student (defined as taking a minimum of 12 academic credits per semester in both the fall and spring semesters) in any academic program and making satisfactory progress toward a degree. Students carrying less than 12 credits per semester may appeal to live in YCCC lodging.
  • 参加了至少9个学分的现场和校园课程. 豁免将根据课程的可用性而定.
  • 保持最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.0. 低于2分的学生.0累积绩点可能会吸引住在YCCC住宅空间. This appeal must be in writing and needs to contain a plan for future academic success.
  • ensure there are no academic, financial, or health requirements holds on their accounts. 在金融控股的情况下, students must work with the YCCC 业务 Office to complete payment or make an appropriate payment plan.
  • 我如何申请住宿?
  • 我必须是全日制学生才能住在校园里吗?
    • You must be enrolled in 12 credits to be considered a full-time student to live on campus. (任何例外情况必须得到学生办公室的批准.)
  • 你们对酒精和毒品/吸烟的政策是什么?
    • The Maine Community College System Code of Conduct applies to all students at YCCC. 守则禁止在校园里饮酒和吸毒, 包括在宿舍里, 不管学生的年龄. The Code also prohibits students from being on campus while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, 不管学生的年龄, 以及在明知酒精或毒品存在的情况下. 除了, 宿舍协议禁止任何酒精或毒品容器, 即使它们是空的. Students who violate these policies are subject to sanctions for violating this portion of the Residence Hall Agreement and/or charges under the Student Code of Conduct. Students are responsible for and can also be charged for conduct violations and/or violations of the Residence Hall Agreement due to the behavior of their guests. Sanctions vary depending on the circumstances surrounding a particular violation but can be punitive (fines assessed to the student account) and/or educational (papers, 社区服务). Violations of the Residence Hall Agreement or the Student Code of Conduct can lead to dismissal from the residence halls and/or the College.
  • 我如何向学院提交我的免疫接种?
    • 住房申请者必须提交两次麻疹证明, 流行性腮腺炎, rubella (MMR) vaccinations and a current diphtheria/tetanus shot (one within the past 10 years) to vaccines@ksjmoigz.com 在提交住房申请包之前.  请不要将它们与您的住房申请包一起发送. 如果您对免疫处理有疑问,请联系 vaccines@ksjmoigz.com


  • 每个人都有室友吗?
    • 是的,每个房间都是双人间,有两张大床. 每间卧室都有一间私人浴室.
  • 我是如何选择室友的? 我可以自己选择室友吗?
    • 住宿申请表中有一份问卷, 它的目的是帮助我们分配合适的室友. You should be as honest as possible when answering the questions, this is our go to matching tool.
  • 我什么时候能知道我的房间分配情况?
    • 学年的房间分配从8月开始通过电子邮件发送.
  • 我需要一个安静的地方学习,我可以在酒店/校园哪里学习?
    • 校园里有很多学习的地方, 学生成功共享区拥有包括图书馆在内的许多空间. 连同会议空间,汉普顿酒店提供了一个安静的区域学习.
  • 我怎样收到邮件和包裹?
    • 邮件将被送到缅因州韦尔斯的YCCC校园.
    • Mail should be sent to :Student’s Name” c/o YCCC, 学院道112号, Wells, Maine 040490.
  • 如果我和室友有问题怎么办? 我怎样才能换房间呢?
    • A room agreement will be put into place which clarifies roommates’ expectations of each other. 如果上述协议被破坏,局长将调解对话. 我们确实意识到,有些问题可能会以换房间来解决, 涉及房间更换的问题将予以考虑. 它非常依赖于可用空间.
  • I have a disability and need a single room or an accessible room as an accommodation. 我该怎么办??
  • 允许养宠物吗??
    • Service and support animals are permitted with appropriate required documentation.  如有进一步问题,可向驻地主任查询 reslife@ksjmoigz.com
  • 有宵禁吗??
    • No, there is no curfew but quiet hours will be place to make sure that everyone is aware of others class schedules.
  • 放假时宿舍什么时候关闭?
    • 休息时间大厅将关闭, 退房日期是12月17日, 1月16号再入住.  居民夏季退房的最后一天是5月13日. 在这些特定的时间里,房屋不开放.
  • 什么是RA,他们如何帮助我? 我怎样才能成为其中一员?
    • YCCC住宿由两名住宿顾问(RA)负责。, 他们是学院雇佣的全日制学生. The RA’s will be able to help with any questions you may have and help ensure that you feel a part of the community. 他们还举办活动/节目把大家聚集在一起, 这些活动从棋盘游戏到绘画之夜都有, 还有更多有趣的活动! Go to the housing website to learn more about becoming a part of the Residence Life team!
  • 当问题出现时,谁能帮助我?
    • 还有RA, the Director of Lodging is a professional staff member who will also reside in the hotel. The Director is there to uphold policies and create a safe and cohesive community.
  • 为什么我的房管会有会议和项目? 我一定要去找他们吗?
    • Floor meetings are highly encouraged and are in place to discuss and plan how everyone works and respects the community. Programs on the other hand are fun and educational ways to have residents get out of their room and meet some new people!
  • 我可以把我的一些私人物品提前寄出去吗?
    • 我们要求您在到达之前不要装运任何物品.
  • 房间有有线电视和上网服务吗?
    • 汉普顿酒店确实提供电视和互联网服务.
  • 哪些物品不能带进宿舍?
    • 居民不得自带冰箱或微波炉. A micro-fridge is provided in every room for the residents to share with their roommate(s). 微型冰箱是冰箱、冰柜和微波炉的组合.
  • 汉普顿酒店和套房有一个游泳池,有24小时访问?
    • 入住酒店的客人需要登记才能使用酒店的游泳池, 还有确定的时间和人数.


  • 如果我想在秋季学期后搬出去怎么办?
    • Giving a notice of departure is needed from those not wishing to stay for the full academic year.
  • 我如何支付汉普顿酒店及套房的房费?
    • 住宿可能在校外, but billing will still be going through your student account at 生肖买马网站.


  • 楼里有洗衣设施吗? 还有其他选择吗??
    • 汉普顿酒店的洗衣设施有限, 然而,街对面有一个24小时洗衣垫.
  • 提供什么样的家政服务?
    • Students will be responsible for taking out their own trash and keeping their rooms to living standards. 客房服务员每周只打扫一次浴室. 其他的清洁责任都由学生承担. 他们不会换床单和毛巾, 居民需要提供自己的床单, 毛巾, 还有浴帘.
  • 如果我需要住宿,我该找谁?
  • 健身和锻炼有哪些选择?
    • 酒店有一个小型健身中心,将对居民开放, 然而,有可能在秋季学期开始建设.
  • 有可用的存储空间吗??
    • 目前没有仓库,有靠近校园的自助仓库.


  • 旅馆里有餐饮设施吗?
    • 酒店每天提供热腾腾的欧陆式早餐. Along with additional food being brought in through programming from Residence Life.
  • 我在哪里可以买到杂货和其他必需品?
    • There will be shuttle runs to accommodate those who do not have access to a vehicle for runs to the store. 幸运的是,酒店对面就有一家汉纳福德餐厅.
  • 有从YCCC咖啡厅带回家的食物吗?
    • There will be take home prepared meals for residence provided by the YCCC Café.


  • 有人能开车来学校吗? 要收费吗?
    • 在汉普顿酒店和YCCC校园有可用的停车场, 两者都不会有额外的费用.
  • 没有自己的车有办法去学校吗?
    • A scheduled shuttle will be provided by YCCC to help residents travel back and forth from campus. 还有额外的预定接送和送货到附近的杂货店.
  • 如果我骑我的自行车,我可以安全地把它放在哪里?
    • 为了安全起见,自行车必须放在自己的房间里.


  1. 请填写我们的免费申请表格


2. 提交你的联邦学生资助免费申请


3. 请于2024年3月1日或之后填写YCCC住宿申请表. 一旦你的申请被收到并批准,你需要支付100美元的押金.

问题? 联系人:



电子邮件: ycccreslife@mainecc.edu

FMI关于价格、经济援助和付款的信息请发送电子邮件: ycccfinaid@mainecc.edu or 207-216-4403


Wells, ME 04090


